(Dub) 9 : It's Hard, But Not Impossible
I recently purchased the Deadman Wonderland DVD set after having watched the series on Adult Swim, and while watching it got me thinking about Funimation's MO when it comes to dubbing. I was watching it with the English voice track but with a subtitled version of the Japanese Dialogue so I could compare the two and to me the difference was significant. Now Deadman Wonderland is no masterpiece but it is a very fun series, one that I feel is improved by the dub dialogue. The Sub dialogue is pretty garden-variety, nothing to write home about with that awkward stilted-ness that comes from translating Japanese phrases to English. In the dub, not to say that it's eloquent, but to me it breathes new life into the characters; even if it means throwing out a lot of the original dialogue, it captures the intent in the way that feels natural to English speakers. My mind also goes to Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt; though I loved it when watching the simulcast back in 2010, I loved it even more with the Funimation dub, something I thought impossible when I first saw it originally, because it added more humor and character to the proceedings while still fitting with the action on screen.
(Dub) 9 : It's Hard, but Not Impossible
Download Zip: https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Furluso.com%2F2uhQhC&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AOvVaw18AEE9ZrknI4vauRZJqKqX