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Get Maqalat Al Islamiyyin PDF for Free: Learn from the Founder of the Ash'ari School of Theology

Maqalat Al Islamiyyin Pdf Download: A Comprehensive Guide

If you are interested in learning about the history and development of Islamic theology, you might want to download Maqalat Al Islamiyyin in PDF format. This book, written by the famous theologian Abu al-Hasan al-Ash'ari, is a collection of the theological opinions and arguments of various Muslim sects and groups. It is considered one of the most important and comprehensive works on Islamic creed and methodology.

Maqalat Al Islamiyyin Pdf Download

In this article, we will provide you with a brief overview of what Maqalat Al Islamiyyin is, why it is important for Muslim theology, and how you can download it in PDF format. We will also answer some frequently asked questions about the book and its author.

What is Maqalat Al Islamiyyin?

Maqalat Al Islamiyyin, which means "Theological Opinions of the Muslims", is a book written by Abu al-Hasan al-Ash'ari (d. 935 CE), one of the most influential scholars and founders of the Ash'ari school of theology. The book is also known as Kitab maqalat al-Islamiyin wa-ikhtilaf al-musallin, which means "The Book of the Opinions of the Muslims and the Differences among Those Who Pray".

The author and the background of the book

Abu al-Hasan al-Ash'ari was born in Basra, Iraq, in 874 CE. He belonged to the tribe of Banu Ash'ar, which claimed descent from the Prophet's companion Abu Musa al-Ash'ari. He studied under various teachers, including Abu Ali al-Jubba'i, the leader of the Mu'tazili school of rationalist theology. He was initially a follower of Mu'tazilism, but later he renounced it and adopted a more orthodox approach based on the Qur'an and the Sunnah (the teachings and practices of the Prophet Muhammad).

He wrote many books on theology, jurisprudence, exegesis, grammar, and rhetoric. Among his most famous works are al-Ibanah 'an Usul al-Diyanah (The Clarification of the Principles of Religion), Risalah ila Ahl al-Thaghr (A Letter to the People of Thaghr), and Maqalat Al Islamiyyin.

Maqalat Al Islamiyyin was compiled during his early period, when he was still influenced by Mu'tazilism. He wrote it as a survey and a critique of the various theological opinions and arguments that existed among Muslims at his time. He divided his book into two volumes: the first one deals with the opinions of mainstream Sunni groups such as Ahl al-Hadith (the People of Tradition), Ahl al-Ra'y (the People of Opinion), Ahl al-Kalam (the People of Theology), and Ahl al-Sunnah (the People of Sunnah); the second one deals with the opinions of deviant sects such as Khawarij (the Rebels), Shi'a (the Partisans), Murji'a (the Postponers), Qadariyya (the Free-willers), Jabriyya (the Fatalists), Jahmiyya (the Deniers), Mushabbiha (the Anthropomorphists), Sufis (the Mystics), and others.

The content and the structure of the book

Maqalat Al Islamiyyin covers a wide range of theological topics, such as God's attributes, God's actions, human free will and predestination, faith and works, sin and repentance, revelation and reason, prophethood and miracles, heaven and hell, intercession and mediation, etc. For each topic, al-Ash'ari presents the opinions of different groups, along with their evidences and arguments. He also evaluates their opinions according to his own criteria and perspective.

The book is structured in a systematic way, following a logical order from general to specific issues. Each volume consists of several chapters (maqalah), each chapter consists of several sections (fasl), each section consists of several sub-sections (juz'), each sub-section consists of several paragraphs (fikrah), each paragraph consists of several sentences (jumlah). The book also has an introduction (muqaddimah) and a conclusion (khatimah).

Why is Maqalat Al Islamiyyin important for Muslim theology?

Maqalat Al Islamiyyin is important for Muslim theology for several reasons:

The book as a source of diverse opinions and debates

Maqalat Al Islamiyyin is one of the earliest and most comprehensive sources that document the diversity and complexity of Islamic theological thought. It provides a rich and detailed account of how Muslims understood their faith in relation to various intellectual challenges and controversies that emerged in their historical context. It also shows how Muslims engaged in dialogue and debate with each other over fundamental issues that concerned their belief system.

The book is valuable for anyone who wants to learn about the history and development of Islamic theology, as well as its main schools, figures, concepts, terms, methods, proofs, evidences, arguments, counter-arguments, etc. It also helps to appreciate the diversity and plurality that exist within Islam as a religion.

The book as a reflection of al-Ash'ari's intellectual journey

Maqalat Al Islamiyyin is also important for Muslim theology because it reflects al-Ash'ari's intellectual journey from Mu'tazilism to orthodoxy. It shows how he changed his views on various theological issues over time. It also shows how he tried to reconcile rationalism with traditionalism, using both reason and revelation as sources of knowledge.

The book is useful for anyone who wants to understand al-Ash'ari's biography and personality, as well as his contributions to Islamic creed and methodology. It also helps to understand how he influenced later generations of Muslim theologians who followed his school or opposed it.

The book as a contribution to Islamic creed and methodology

Maqalat Al Islamiyyin is also important for Muslim theology because it contributes to Islamic creed and methodology. It clarifies some essential doctrines that define Islamic belief system. It also establishes some principles that guide Islamic theological inquiry.

The book is beneficial for anyone who wants to learn about Islamic creed and methodology, as well as their foundations and implications. It also helps to apply them to contemporary issues that face Muslims today.

How can you download Maqalat Al Islamiyyin in PDF format?

If you are interested in downloading Maqalat Al Islamiyyin in PDF format, you might want to consider some advantages and disadvantages first:

The advantages and disadvantages of PDF format

PDF format has some advantages over other formats such as Word or HTML:

  • It preserves the original layout, fonts, images, tables, etc., without any distortion or alteration.

  • It can be easily viewed on any device or platform without any compatibility issues.

  • It can be easily printed or shared without any loss or corruption.

  • It can be easily searched or indexed using keywords or phrases.

However, PDF format also has some disadvantages compared to other formats such as Word or HTML:

  • It cannot be easily edited or modified without special software or tools.

  • It cannot be easily translated or annotated without special software or tools.

  • It cannot be easily linked or referenced without special software or tools.

The steps to download the book from different sources

If you want to download Maqalat Al Islamiyyin in PDF format, you have several options to choose from. Here are some of the most common sources and the steps to download the book from them:



Orient-Institut Beirut

  • Go to this link.

  • Click on "Download (full PDF)" at the bottom of the page.

  • Save the file to your device.

Internet Archive

  • Go to this link.

  • Click on "PDF" under "Download Options" on the right side of the page.

  • Save the file to your device.

Google Books

  • Go to this link.

  • Click on "Download PDF" under "Get this book in print" on the left side of the page.

  • Save the file to your device.

The tips to ensure the quality and authenticity of the PDF file

Before you download Maqalat Al Islamiyyin in PDF format, you might want to consider some tips to ensure the quality and authenticity of the PDF file:

  • Check the source of the PDF file. Make sure it is a reputable and reliable website that provides accurate and original content.

  • Check the size of the PDF file. Make sure it is not too small or too large, as it might indicate a low-quality or corrupted file.

  • Check the preview of the PDF file. Make sure it matches the title and the content of the book, and that it does not contain any errors or distortions.

  • Check the reviews and ratings of the PDF file. Make sure it has positive feedback and high ratings from other users who have downloaded it before.

  • Check the security of the PDF file. Make sure it does not contain any viruses or malware that might harm your device or compromise your privacy.


In conclusion, Maqalat Al Islamiyyin is a valuable book for anyone who wants to learn about Islamic theology and its history and development. It is written by Abu al-Hasan al-Ash'ari, one of the most influential Muslim theologians and founders of the Ash'ari school of theology. It covers a wide range of theological topics and presents the opinions and arguments of various Muslim sects and groups. It also reflects al-Ash'ari's intellectual journey from Mu'tazilism to orthodoxy, and contributes to Islamic creed and methodology.

If you want to download Maqalat Al Islamiyyin in PDF format, you can choose from several sources that provide it online. However, you should also consider some advantages and disadvantages of PDF format, as well as some tips to ensure the quality and authenticity of the PDF file.

We hope this article has helped you understand what Maqalat Al Islamiyyin is, why it is important for Muslim theology, and how you can download it in PDF format. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to share them with us.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Maqalat Al Islamiyyin and its author:

Who is Abu al-Hasan al-Ash'ari?

What is the Ash'ari school of theology?

The Ash'ari school of theology is one of the main schools of Sunni theology, along with the Maturidi and the Athari schools. It is named after Abu al-Hasan al-Ash'ari, who founded it in the 10th century CE. It is based on a balance between rationalism and traditionalism, using both reason and revelation as sources of knowledge. It affirms the transcendence and the attributes of God, the free will and the accountability of humans, the necessity and the possibility of miracles, and the intermediate position between faith and disbelief.

What is Mu'tazilism?

Mu'tazilism is a school of rationalist theology that emerged in the 8th century CE. It is named after the Arabic word i'tazala, which means "to withdraw" or "to separate". It is based on a strict use of reason and logic as the basis of knowledge. It denies the transcendence and the attributes of God, the predestination and the compulsion of humans, the abrogation and the ambiguity of revelation, and the intercession and the mediation of prophets.

What are some other works by al-Ash'ari?

Some other works by al-Ash'ari are:

  • al-Ibanah 'an Usul al-Diyanah (The Clarification of the Principles of Religion), which is his most famous work that explains his orthodox views on theology.

  • Risalah ila Ahl al-Thaghr (A Letter to the People of Thaghr), which is a polemical work that refutes some Mu'tazili arguments.

  • al-Luma' fi al-Radd 'ala Ahl al-Zaygh wa al-Bida' (The Sparks in Refuting the People of Deviation and Innovation), which is a work that criticizes some deviant sects such as Khawarij, Shi'a, Murji'a, Qadariyya, Jabriyya, Jahmiyya, Mushabbiha, Sufis, etc.

Where can I find more information about Islamic theology?

If you want to find more information about Islamic theology, you can check out some of these resources:

  • Islamic theology Britannica, which is an online encyclopedia that provides an overview of Islamic theology and its history.

  • Introduction to Islamic Theology - YouTube, which is a video lecture that introduces Islamic theology and its main concepts.

  • Islamic Theology and Philosophy: Studies in Honor of George F. Hourani: Marmura ..., which is a book that contains various studies on Islamic theology and philosophy by different scholars.

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